


it's an overstatement but still!!!!
things may not and will not work on mobile browsers on this website (the background image, text formatting, etc.), so you've been warned.


hi, i'm ethan or shovelwithasprout (she/her). this website is a passion-project by an academic victim in iowa (i don't like it here). in here you'll find crazy things like long spouts against capitalism and love-letters to the perfect game franchise that is 'little nightmares'. be warned also if you can't deal with all lowercase text because i can't be bothered to do proper capitalization on a site meant to be my own.

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2/19/25 - prose page added

a new page has been added, plus the very first prose entry. this is going to be a new format (pretty similar to blogs but kind of not) which will allow me to share my writing projects and ideas without needing to contaminate my regular blogs and updates. there were a couple other tweaks around the website (the container is 100px wider now, among other things), but i forgot what i've done so far already. hahah.....

2/19/25 (midnight) - mood change!

if you had seen my website before and after this change, it would've looked dramatically different. i got bored of the samey aesthetic that came with my system, and i almost rewrote my website again but i decided against it and instead replaced the font, border radius, and colors of (mostly) every page. i'm glad it wasn't too hard to figure out because otherwise i guess i'd be writing more html right now. also, there's about a 50% chance that the website history page is finally up once i release this change. also, since the last update, i've added a (very figurative) blog to the blogs, marking the first one in ~3 months. thank you thank you i'll be here all night.

2/13/25 - qol blog page change

(the date is the same as last update but it's because the last update was at like 1 am) i fear my life here is just never-ending fixes to improve smaller and smaller things. this one was pretty big though. blogs can now be clicked from anywhere inside their box, and they also look cooler imo. you can go check it out if you want!

2/13/25 - little nightmares page complete!!

wooooooo!!!! i added completely new content!!!!! crazy that i'm back to doing this after all this time but huzzah!!! i did forget to give a date for the last update hahah.... but i'll do them from now on. you may have also noticed but i have slightly edited the colors to make things better on the eyes. this is partially because i now have color variables so theming will be MUCH easier now. maybe i'll write another blog post soon... we'll see. i also want to push the website history page somewhat soon.

2/5/25 - fresh coat of paint!

i came back after quite a while of being too exhausted to make changes or improvements to the website, but i'm back now! (for probably not very long tbh) as you probably noticed if you've been here before, i like completely redid the css and most of the html. however, i did save a backup of the previous version of the website. i've already made the page for the website history showcase, but i haven't added the content for it as of writing this.