october 2nd, 2024
i think i have brainworms because i am FIGHTING myself on whether or not i should just casually rewrite my entire website. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh is the right answer because i literally haven't had this website for 3 months yet as of writing this. i'm gonna freak.
now if i do rewrite parts of my website i want to focus on making everything seem a lil bit more polished and dynamic. also idk if this is really doable but it looks so bad on mobile firefox its crazy. nevermind it also looks weird on safari.
also if you've ever played on the wii u you should consider homebrewing it actually. i say this because i have just recently dumped minecraft off onto my laptop so i can play the glide minigame as much as i please (hours a day). this is great and bad because i haven't had a free day in two weeks so i'm really tired but i still want to play minecraft glide!!!!
i feel like this blog isn't really a spot to put longer essay-like pages. so...... maybe in the future if i put my mind to it i'll make some other page about like personal essays or longer literature ig. uhmmmm i don't think i have anything else to say as of rn so i'm going to go ahead and not say anything. buh-bye you freaks. <3 <3