celeste mods

one game that really stuck out to me was celeste. celeste, if you haven't heard of it, is an indie 2d platformer about climbing a mountain (literally and metaphorically). what surprised me was the large modding community, and once i finally had access to a laptop i began tinkering with map editors and fmod to create my own campaign. and then i gave up a week later. i still don't remember what that original attempt was, as i have reinstalled my os several times since then, but that first attempt discouraged me and i stopped messing with modding tools for the game. after roughly half a year, i set out to make my own map again after rediscovering the modding scene. as of writing this, i have only made one mod for celeste, a campaign called "dreams of her's". if you would like to play it, here's the link.


i really am not the type of person to create and publish things to the public, so here's a section dedicated to the sparse few things i have made in the couple years i've had access to computers.

portal 2 maps

on the steam workshop there might still be some remnants of a couple custom maps for the hit valve game portal 2. the maps are not good in quality, if you were curious. the largest one's whole puzzle is that i hid an extra cube in a weird spot. i might add the link to it later, but also i don't think i will. take my word for it, it's not worth booting up portal to play.

recycled minecraft server

little fun fact about me, i actually hate minecraft bedrock edition with a burning passion. it's objectively worse than java with the upside of being more accesible. for a while i was hooked by minecraft, so i wanted to have my own little realm to play with friends. the problem? i didn't want to spend money for it (i didn't have a job at the time). my friend actually had a realm that was paid for, but it was on bedrock edition. you could never guess how i felt about it (spoiler alert i did not play on that server). so i learned how to host my own minecraft java server and i used playit.gg to 'portforward' it to my friends. it actually worked pretty well, for it being hosted on a laptop that originally shipped with windows 7. if you are wanting to locally host a minecraft server, youtube and reddit are the best ways to go.